I should have known it was coming..It's been far too long since Wacky Zacky and Zany Janie gave me a good dose of public humiliation. Before I tell you this embarrassing tale, I must first tell you another story...
There is a new house being built next to us. Since the breaking of ground, the kids have been wild about watching the construction worker's every move. It's a two story house making it very convenient for them to lounge around on the couch in the sewing room staring out the big window. One day after gawking at the workers for a good hour Zany Janie and Wacky Zacky came running to me screaming, "THE BUILDER IS NAKED!" I told them I was sure the builder wasn't naked, but they continued to insist he was indeed naked and I needed to come take a peek. I told them I didn't want to see it and they quickly returned to their positions on the couch front and center to the window. Next thing I heard from the room was screams of "PUT YOUR SHIRT BACK ON! WE DON'T WANT TO SEE IT!" over and over. Thank goodness the window was shut, but they did bang on the window multiple times trying to get the man's attention.
Fast forward a couple of weeks...
We've decided to do some upgrades on our house and have had a few people come over for estimates. On one particular day a man was over to give an estimate. He had finished his measurements and was sitting at the table figuring the numbers. Zany Janie and Wacky Zacky plopped down below his chair and were chatting back and forth to each other, when all of a sudden Wacky Zacky yelled, "Worker man, Don't take your shirt off!!!" Zany Janie felt it necessary to shriek, "Yeah worker man! We don't want to see it!" I was so embarrassed and to make matters even worse the two of them would not stop shrieking those phrases! What do you do in that situation? I turned beet red and tried to explain about the construction worker, but I don't think the man could hear much over the pleas of "Please don't take your shirt off!"
Zany thought of the day: Have you ever been so embarrassed it took you awhile to recover from it? Yeah, me neither!
Hello March Craftastic Monday Link Party
3 days ago
How funny!! Thanks for the laugh.
I truly relate to the story of kids' ability to publicly humiliate. I remember one time when my son said very loudly in a grocery store, "You can see his butt crack." or something like that.
our neighbor at our last house was always shirtless and Chad would say he was naked. One time Chad drew a pic of it (scribbles) and when the neighbor came over Chad started yelling "I saw you naked!!" and then ran to get the picture he drew of him "naked" He also told everyone that the neighbor comes over naked to see me!
I guess that's better than if you'd have originally told them "What? Where? I want to see it!" and then they proceeded to insist that the guy in your house take his shirt off.
Haha that's hilarious!
And you're pregnant??!! Congratulations!!! I saw the little floating baby and am so happy for you!!!! Zany to the 3rd power!! Woohoo!!!! :D
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