Those two little monkeys got me again! Wacky Zacky and Zany Janie were happily playing together with the dollhouse. I decided I would have enough time to run upstairs and download pictures from Wacky Zacky's birthday party onto my computer. I became engrossed in the pictures and lost all track of time. All of a sudden my ears hurt-not from a high pitch yelp, but rather from the distressing sound of silence! Silence is rarely heard in the Zany house and from experience it always means trouble! I quietly raced downstairs and caught Wacky Zacky standing on a bar stool he had shoved up to a cabinet. He was greedily shoving left over birthday cake into his mouth. I must admit I was impressed that he was civilized enough to use a fork to feed himself rather than shovel fistfuls of cake into his mouth. I quickly realized Zany Janie was not at the foot of the stool begging for cake. I quickly scanned the area and found her in the family room quietly sucking on not one, but FIVE suckers at once! Wacky Zacky "The Master Manipulator" had given her the suckers to keep her from screaming "Cake!" and alerting me that they were up to no good! When I reached to take the suckers away from her I was greeted by shrieks that can only be described as something you hear in a monkey house when it's feeding time. I was able to get all five suckers away without losing a finger, but it was close...I must say Zany Janie has mastered the glare to use during her teenage years!
Zany thought of the day: Did the owl ever figure out how many licks it took to get to the center of a tootsie pop? Is it just me or is anyone else puzzled that an owl would even be eating a tootsie pop let alone even care how many licks it took to get to the center?
I promise you, if anyone ever figures out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop it will be zuzu. This is lolli central :)
that sounds hysterical! Hard to reprimand Zack, for being so ingenious!
LOL...can totally relate to all your zany happenings. Sorry to say, it goes beyond glares and screams in the teen years. Their thoughts come out of their mouth rapidly and with boldness. Just today my 17 YO son, when he didn't get his way (It's 20 below zero so NO you can't ride the snowmobile tonight!) called me a crazy lady. Just kinda sorta hit me the wrong way...just a tad bit...he quickly found out how crazed this crazy lady can be!
Too too funny! Look out! Sounds like you have a master problem solver on your hands! (Although, I suppose that will be a good thing once he gets past using it for his mischievous benefit!)
LOL! I did - I am sitting here laughing out loud - at least no one is here to hear me :)
I can SO see my kids doing something like that - but one is 13 & you'd expect the bribe for not shouting "cake"! love it!
I totally love that he took the time to grab a fork and divert the little one with goodies of her own.
OMG im seriously laughing! Thats so funny and what a good big brother for getting his sister something. It so sounds like something id catch the boys doing
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