The Babykeeper?

I must say it has been a huge adjustment to live daily life with little ones, however I've never found it to be much of an issue to go into a public restroom with them. But for those of you that find it impossible, let it be an issue no longer with the Babykeeper! As they say on their website, "It is the only portable, safe and sanitary solution for what to do with your infant or toddler while using public restrooms and fitting rooms." Just make sure you hang them facing the right way so a person in a neighboring stall doesn't come face-to-face with your little bundle of joy!
If im alone I just limit my drinks and hold it....ive came close to wetting the seat after speed bumps
What a genius concept! There were "a few days" when my son was little when something like this would have come in handy (along with a jumbo roll of duct tape). He was forever stomping on my last nerve and after being told to go to his room and I would sigh accomplishment in being "boss" ~ I would find him standing right behind me minutes later because I didn't tell him to STAY in his room!
hilarious, yet ingenious!
Can you see any kid hanging there obediently? Me neither. I picture them banging their legs against the stall and wailing their little lungs out. I've been known to push a shopping cart into the handicap stall at Target/Walmart just so I have some way to contain the little rugrats.
That's a pretty creative contraption! Haha - I think I mostly traveled in pairs - shopping with a friend.
well, I guess that's safe. Looks comfortable, too!
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