It's my party and I'll cry if I want to,
cry if I want to,
cry if I want to,
You would cry too if it happened to you!
cry if I want to,
You would cry too if it happened to you!
This turned out to be the theme song for Zany Janie's 2-year birthday bash. Our itty bitty turned two and to celebrate the occasion we threw a Minnie Mouse themed party. Pink, white, and black balloons were scattered throughout the house.

Mouse ears were ready to be worn and silhouettes of mouse ears adorned the doors and windows throughout the house.

I even attempted to get creative by putting Oreos on scoops of ice cream in an attempt to make it look like mouse ears. I must admit the finished product looked a bit different than what I pictured in my head...

The party had been talked about for weeks and both Zany Janie and Wacky Zacky had anticipated the event and were looking forward to the day. Not fifteen minutes into the party there were shrieks and crying coming from outside. It appeared Zany Janie had fallen off of the play structure. From having a big brother Zany Janie is one tough cookie and usually bounces back from a fall in seconds. We knew this was not your typical fall when she continued to cry and could not be consoled. Papa Z and I began to worry that maybe she had broken her arm. Before we could figure out a plan, Zany Janie fell asleep on Papa Z exhausted from all her sobbing.

While the princess slept we went ahead and ate pizza and all the kids had a great time smashing the pinata-unfortunately we couldn't find a Minnie Mouse pinata, but who would want to slug her with a bat?

Zany Janie finally awoke from her slumber and seemed calm so we went ahead and had cake with our funky mouse ear ice cream.

After opening presents we decided she needed to get checked out so Papa Z took her to Urgent Care. After a few hours Zany Janie came home sporting a new soft cast and sling.

This is definitely not how we anticipated celebrating Zany Janie's birthday, however it has made for a very memorable birthday story for the whole family.
Zany thought of the day: What is it about the Zany Babies turning two? It seems to be a right of passage that they injure their arm at some point during their second year. You can read all about Wacky Zacky's terrible two story here.
Mouse ears were ready to be worn and silhouettes of mouse ears adorned the doors and windows throughout the house.
I even attempted to get creative by putting Oreos on scoops of ice cream in an attempt to make it look like mouse ears. I must admit the finished product looked a bit different than what I pictured in my head...
The party had been talked about for weeks and both Zany Janie and Wacky Zacky had anticipated the event and were looking forward to the day. Not fifteen minutes into the party there were shrieks and crying coming from outside. It appeared Zany Janie had fallen off of the play structure. From having a big brother Zany Janie is one tough cookie and usually bounces back from a fall in seconds. We knew this was not your typical fall when she continued to cry and could not be consoled. Papa Z and I began to worry that maybe she had broken her arm. Before we could figure out a plan, Zany Janie fell asleep on Papa Z exhausted from all her sobbing.
While the princess slept we went ahead and ate pizza and all the kids had a great time smashing the pinata-unfortunately we couldn't find a Minnie Mouse pinata, but who would want to slug her with a bat?
Zany Janie finally awoke from her slumber and seemed calm so we went ahead and had cake with our funky mouse ear ice cream.
After opening presents we decided she needed to get checked out so Papa Z took her to Urgent Care. After a few hours Zany Janie came home sporting a new soft cast and sling.
This is definitely not how we anticipated celebrating Zany Janie's birthday, however it has made for a very memorable birthday story for the whole family.
Zany thought of the day: What is it about the Zany Babies turning two? It seems to be a right of passage that they injure their arm at some point during their second year. You can read all about Wacky Zacky's terrible two story here.
awww...poor girl!!
Oh, how sad! Hope she is feeling better! What a crummy way to celebrate your second birthday :( The party decorations and everything looked great!
the party looked great... and she still looks adorable even with her cast
These are the saddest birthday pics I've ever seen, and that includes the ones from my 7th birthday where my face is all puffy and red because I technically won "PIn the Tail on Garfield", but my mom gave the Dukes of Hazzard cup o' goodies to the second place winner "because I already had enough gifts as the birthday girl" which, of course, prompted me to run in the house and throw a tantrum while all my friends ate cake and ice cream in the backyard.
This whole cast thing is starting to be a trend with the Zany children, eh? : )
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