I am in absolute disbelief! Today my precious Wacky Zacky turns 5! As cliché as it sounds, it certainly seems like just yesterday I carried you out of the hospital, terrified because I was responsible for your tiny screaming little life. I have been blessed to be there for every first you have had in your life-first words, first foods, first steps, first haircut, first experiences in the world, etc...It has been amazing to see you change from a tiny infant, into a giggly baby, to a drunken walking toddler, and now into a handsome active preschooler. You are such a wonderful little guy. I love that you are sensitive and have a passion for the arts-dancing, singing, coloring, and making crafts. Today as I look back through all the pictures of you, I feel a mixture of happiness and sadness. I am sad by how quickly your baby phase passed and now you would rather do things by yourself rather than have Mommy help you. I am happy by the type of little boy you have turned into. You are a great big brother to your two little sisters and you are a wonderful son! I also had to giggle at all the pictures of your wild mane of hair. Mommy and Daddy now ask ourselves what we were thinking when we see the crazy locks you use to sport, but at the time it was too hard for us to cut your curls. I hope you have a very Happy Birthday! And I love you one hundred trillion, million, billion plus one!
Hello March Craftastic Monday Link Party
4 days ago
that is such a heart-filling thought, being there for every first! Happy Birthday!!! {:-D
They grow so quickly, don't they? It is wonderful that you are able to be there for all of your children's first's. My son is also five, and I cannot believe that he has been around for so long, as you can't either. Being a parent is such a wonderful thing!
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